Sorrel 'Red Veined' Seeds
- 250 Sorrel 'Red Veined' Seeds
- £2.00
New Leaf Nurseries Online Store > Seeds > Salad
Plant information:
Rumex sanguineus
Sow: March to September
Harvest: March to October
Height: 25cm+
One of the first harvests of the year – often up at the same time as wild garlic, which it works fantastically with. The leaves have a slight lemony taste and are perfect for use in salads or sprinkled over new potatoes. Striking red/purple veins.
Sowing instructions:
Sow from March onwards. Sow a few seeds in a tray, cover lightly with compost and place on a sunny windowsill. Germination takes 10-14 days. Pot on when large enough to handle.
Growing instructions:
Coming soon